
There are several classes related to processing information about the game state and the input from Starcraft. All these classes are taken more or less directly from the original CommandCenter, but we have left all decision-making to the user of the API.

Here is a full list of all managers:

The rest of this page contains a brief description of each manager.


class library.BaseLocationManager

A list of all library.BaseLocation on the current map


A list of all library.BaseLocation on the current map which a player started at, indexed by Player constant (see Player constants).

BaseLocationManager.get_occupied_base_locations(self: library.BaseLocationManager, player_constant: int) → Set[library.BaseLocation]
BaseLocationManager.get_player_starting_base_location(self: library.BaseLocationManager, player_constant: int) → library.BaseLocation
BaseLocationManager.get_next_expansion(self: library.BaseLocationManager, player_constant: int) → library.BaseLocation


class library.BaseLocation

Closely related to BaseLocationManager. This is the datastructure used by the BaseLocationManager to keep track of all base locations and related information.


The position of the center of the BaseLocation, defined as a library.Point2D.


A suitable position for building a town hall (Command Center, Hatchery or Nexus), defined as a library.Point2DI.


Alias for minerals in order to differentiate from harvested minerals


List of mineral fields at base location (List of unit)


List of geysers at base location (List of units)

BaseLocation.get_ground_distance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_ground_distance(self: library.BaseLocation, arg0: library.Point2D) -> int
  2. get_ground_distance(self: library.BaseLocation, arg0: library.Point2DI) -> int
BaseLocation.is_occupied_by_player(self: library.BaseLocation, player constant: int) → bool
BaseLocation.is_player_start_location(self: library.BaseLocation, player_constant: int) → bool
BaseLocation.contains_position(self: library.BaseLocation, arg0: library.Point2D) → bool


class library.TechTree

This class contains all information about units and what is required to build a certain unit and what builds it. It only has one method, which is used to look-up unit types properties:

This class has some invalid information by default, this can be corrected by placing the file techtree.json in the working directory. The techtree.json files are available here, select the lastest version. A recent file is included in the template repository.

get_data(argument) → library.TypeData

Argument is either an instance of the class library.UnitType or an instance of the class library.CCUpgrade, depending on what information is wanted.


class library.TypeData

the ability that creates this item


build time of the item


gas cost of the item


mineral cost of the item


a unit of this type must be present next to the producer


owning ONE of these is required to make


having ALL of these is required to make


supply cost of the item


the ability that creates this item via warp-in


any of these units can build the item


class library.MapTools

This class contains two types of methods:

  • Methods for drawing information to the screen
  • Methods for extracting information about the map

First, let us look at the method concerning drawing information to the screen. Methods with the suffix _screen takes percentages of the screens height and width, i.e. values between 0 and 1. Methods without this suffix uses the same coordinate system as the game, i.e. world coordinates.

draw_box(self: library.MapTools, top_left: library.Point2D, bottom_right: library.Point2D, color: library.Color=<Color (255, 255, 255)>) → None
draw_circle(self: library.MapTools, center: library.Point2D, radius: float, color: library.Color=<Color (255, 255, 255)>) → None
draw_line(self: library.MapTools, start: library.Point2D, stop: library.Point2D, color: library.Color=<Color (255, 255, 255)>) → None
draw_text(self: library.MapTools, position: library.Point2D, text: str, color: library.Color=<Color (255, 255, 255)>) → None
draw_text_screen(self: library.MapTools, percentage_x: float, percentage_y: float, text: str, color: library.Color=<Color (255, 255, 255)>) → None

These are methods which are useful for extracting information about the game map:

can_build_type_at_position(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int, unit_type: library.UnitType) → bool
get_closest_tiles_to(self: library.MapTools, point2di: library.Point2DI) → List[library.Point2DI]

Returns a list of positions, where the first position is the closest and the last is the furthest

get_distance_map(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_distance_map(self: library.MapTools, point2di: library.Point2DI) -> library.DistanceMap
  2. get_distance_map(self: library.MapTools, point2d: library.Point2D) -> library.DistanceMap
get_ground_distance(self: library.MapTools, from: library.Point2D, to: library.Point2D) → int
get_least_recently_seen_tile(self: library.MapTools) → library.Point2DI

The height of the map


The width of the map

is_buildable(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_buildable(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) -> bool
  2. is_buildable(self: library.MapTools, point2di: library.Point2DI) -> bool
is_connected(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_connected(self: library.MapTools, x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int) -> bool
  2. is_connected(self: library.MapTools, from: library.Point2DI, too: library.Point2DI) -> bool
  3. is_connected(self: library.MapTools, from: library.Point2D, too: library.Point2D) -> bool
is_depot_buildable_tile(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) → bool
is_explored(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_explored(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) -> bool
  2. is_explored(self: library.MapTools, point2d: library.Point2D) -> bool
  3. is_explored(self: library.MapTools, point2di: library.Point2DI) -> bool
is_powered(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) → bool
is_valid_position(self: library.MapTools, point_2d: library.Point2D) → bool
is_valid_tile(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_valid_tile(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) -> bool
  2. is_valid_tile(self: library.MapTools, point_2di: library.Point2DI) -> bool
is_visible(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) → bool
is_walkable(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_walkable(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) -> bool
  2. is_walkable(self: library.MapTools, point2di: library.Point2DI) -> bool
can_build_type_at_position(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int, unit_type: library.UnitType) → bool
draw_box(self: library.MapTools, top_left: library.Point2D, bottom_right: library.Point2D, color: library.Color=<Color (255, 255, 255)>) → None
draw_circle(self: library.MapTools, center: library.Point2D, radius: float, color: library.Color=<Color (255, 255, 255)>) → None
draw_line(self: library.MapTools, start: library.Point2D, stop: library.Point2D, color: library.Color=<Color (255, 255, 255)>) → None
draw_text(self: library.MapTools, position: library.Point2D, text: str, color: library.Color=<Color (255, 255, 255)>) → None
draw_text_screen(self: library.MapTools, percentage_x: float, percentage_y: float, text: str, color: library.Color=<Color (255, 255, 255)>) → None
get_closest_tiles_to(self: library.MapTools, point2di: library.Point2DI) → List[library.Point2DI]

Returns a list of positions, where the first position is the closest and the last is the furthest

get_distance_map(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_distance_map(self: library.MapTools, point2di: library.Point2DI) -> library.DistanceMap
  2. get_distance_map(self: library.MapTools, point2d: library.Point2D) -> library.DistanceMap
get_ground_distance(self: library.MapTools, from: library.Point2D, to: library.Point2D) → int
get_least_recently_seen_tile(self: library.MapTools) → library.Point2DI

The height of the map

is_buildable(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_buildable(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) -> bool
  2. is_buildable(self: library.MapTools, point2di: library.Point2DI) -> bool
is_connected(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_connected(self: library.MapTools, x1: int, y1: int, x2: int, y2: int) -> bool
  2. is_connected(self: library.MapTools, from: library.Point2DI, too: library.Point2DI) -> bool
  3. is_connected(self: library.MapTools, from: library.Point2D, too: library.Point2D) -> bool
is_depot_buildable_tile(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) → bool
is_explored(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_explored(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) -> bool
  2. is_explored(self: library.MapTools, point2d: library.Point2D) -> bool
  3. is_explored(self: library.MapTools, point2di: library.Point2DI) -> bool
is_powered(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) → bool
is_valid_position(self: library.MapTools, point_2d: library.Point2D) → bool
is_valid_tile(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_valid_tile(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) -> bool
  2. is_valid_tile(self: library.MapTools, point_2di: library.Point2DI) -> bool
is_visible(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) → bool
is_walkable(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. is_walkable(self: library.MapTools, x: int, y: int) -> bool
  2. is_walkable(self: library.MapTools, point2di: library.Point2DI) -> bool

The width of the map


class library.Color
__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: library.Color) -> None
  2. __init__(self: library.Color, r: int, g: int, b: int) -> None
BLACK = <Color (0, 0, 0)>
BLUE = <Color (0, 0, 255)>
GRAY = <Color (128, 128, 128)>
GREEN = <Color (0, 255, 0)>
PURPLE = <Color (255, 0, 255)>
RED = <Color (255, 0, 0)>
TEAL = <Color (0, 255, 255)>
WHITE = <Color (255, 255, 255)>
YELLOW = <Color (255, 255, 0)>







class library.DistanceMap
computer_distance_map(self: library.DistanceMap, bot: IDABot, start_tile: library.Point2DI) → None
draw(self: library.DistanceMap, bot: IDABot) → None
get_distance(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_distance(self: library.DistanceMap, position: library.Point2DI) -> int
  2. get_distance(self: library.DistanceMap, position: library.Point2D) -> int
get_sorted_tiles(self: library.DistanceMap) → List[library.Point2DI]
get_start_tile(self: library.DistanceMap) → library.Point2DI


class library.BuildingPlacer

This class is useful for placing all buildings, except refineries and town halls (Command Centers, Hacheries and Nexus).

If you want to place a town hall, take a look at attribute depot_location of library.BaseLocation.

If you want to place a refinery, take a look at attribute geysers of library.BaseLocation and the method build_target of library.Unit.

can_build_here(self: library.BuildingPlacer, x: int, y: int, unit_type: library.UnitType) → bool
can_build_here_with_spaces(self: library.BuildingPlacer, x: int, y: int, unit_type: library.UnitType, build_distance: int) → bool
free_tiles(self: library.BuildingPlacer, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) → None
get_build_location_near(self: library.BuildingPlacer, point2di: library.Point2DI, unit_type: library.UnitType, build_distance: int=2, search_count: int=1000) → library.Point2DI
reserve_tiles(self: library.BuildingPlacer, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) → None