
The library uses 2 types of coordinate classes. One for integers and one for floats, these are called library.Point2DI and library.Point2D.


class library.Point2DI

These points are used for defining the location of tiles, which are used when placing buildings in Starcraft.

Not many operators are defined for this class, only equality, inequality and converting to strings are defined.


class library.Point2D

Instances of this class is used to represent the location of Units and support many operations for general purpose calculation.


from library import Point2D, Point2DI

# Creating two points

p1 = Point2D()  # Defaults to (0, 0)
p2 = Point2D(1, 2)

# Adding two points
p1 += p2

# Multiplying a point with a scalar
p2 *= 3

# Creating a new point, defined as the sum of p1 and p2
p3 = p1 + p2


# The same works for Point2DI
pi1 = Point2DI(1, 2)
pi2 = Point2DI(1, 2)

# However, we can only compare them. There are no operators for addition,
# subtraction or multiplication.
print(pi1 == pi2)  # prints: True

It is also possible to define custom operators for these points, as shown below:

from math import sqrt
from library import Point2D

p1 = Point2D(3, 4)
p2 = Point2D(1, 2)

# Defining a custom @ operator, like this
Point2D.__matmul__ = lambda self, other: self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y

print(p1 @ p2)  # prints: 11.0

# Or maybe a distance operator:
Point2D.distance = lambda self, other: sqrt((self.x - other.x)**2 + (self.y - other.y)**2)

print(p1.distance(p2))  # prints: 2.8284...